Maximum Likelihood Nonlinear Simultaneous Equation Model Estimation#

The source code below estimates the coefficients of a general nonlinear system of simultaneous equations:

\[U = f(Y, X, B)\]

where \(U\) is a \(N \times K\) matrix of residuals and \(f()\) is an arbitrary function of \(Y\), a \(N \times K\) matrix of endogenous variables, \(X\), an \(N \times L\) matrix of exogenous variables, and \(B\), an \(M \times 1\) vector of coefficients. Thus there are \(N\) observations, and \(f()\) represents \(K\) simultaneous equations.

This example also illustrates constraining the Jacobians. For a model to be “dynamically stable” the absolute value of the eigenvalues of I - the Jacobian of the residuals w.r.t. the endogenous variables must be on the unit interval. The example below provides for such constraints.

In this example, a procedure is provided for computing the Jacobian of the function with respect to the endogenous variables. When this proc, _nseq_EndoJcb, is provided, time of computation is reduced significantly.

Code for estimation#

After loading the library, the first step is to set up the system of nonlinear simultaneous equations:

\[Y_1 = b_1 Y_2 + c_1 Y_2 * X_1 + g_1 X_1 + d_1 + U_1\]
\[Y_2 = b_2 Y_1 + g_2 X_2 + d_2 + U_2\]

where \(Y_1\) and \(Y_2\) are endogenous, \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) are exogenous, and \(U_1\) and \(U_2\) are residuals. The objective is to estimate the parameter vector \(\theta = {b_1, c_1, g_1, d_1, b_2, g_2, d_2}\) using maximum likelihood.

library cmlmt;

// Procedure for computing the residuals from
// the nonlinear simultaneous equations.
proc _nseq_Fct(b, z);
    local u;

    u = zeros(rows(z), 2);

    u[., 1] = z[., 1] - b[1]*z[., 2] - b[2]*z[., 2].*z[., 3] - b[3]*z[., 3] - b[4];
    u[., 2] = z[., 2] - b[5]*z[., 1] - b[6]*z[., 4] - b[7];


// Procedure used in computing the Jacobians of the function
proc _nseq_EndoJcb(b, xx);
    local j;
    j = zeros(2, 2);

    j[1, 1] = 1;
    j[1, 2] = -b[1] - b[2] * xx[., 3];
    j[2, 1] = -b[5];
    j[2, 2] = 1;


Next, we’ll set up some basic controls for computation of the nonlinear system:

**  Set endoIndices to the indices of the endogenous variables
**  in the dataset.
endoIndices = { 1, 2 };

**  If Proc _nseq_EndoJcb is NOT provided, set endoJcb to zero.
**  else if Proc _nseq_EndoJcb IS provided, set endoJcb to 1.

endoJcb = 1;

Next, we’ll provide the likelihood function and the computational Jacobian function:

**  Likelihood function

proc lpr(b, z, endoIndices, endoJcb, ind);

    local dev, psi_, g0, oldt, ldet0, ipsi, jb;

    dev = _nseq_Fct(b, z);

    psi_ = dev'dev/rows(z);

    // Set trap to check for invertibility
    oldt = trapchk(1);
    trap 1, 1;
        ipsi = invpd(psi_);
    trap oldt, 1;

    // Return error if non-invertible
    if scalmiss(ipsi);

    ldet0 = ln(detl);
    dev = dev * chol(ipsi)';

    jb = _nseq_Jcb(b, z, endoIndices, endoJcb, 1); /* absolute value of log det of Jacobian */
                                                                        /* of Fct w.r.t. endo. vars. */

    struct modelResults mm;
    mm.function = _ln2pi + jb - 0.5*(ldet0 + sumc((dev.*dev)'));


**  Jacobian of function w.r.t. endogenous variables
**  ind = 1, compute log of the absolute value of the determinant
**  ind = 2, compute maximum absolute eigenvalue

proc _nseq_Jcb(b,  z, endoIndices, endoJcb, ind);
    local i, j, f0, dh, x0, jb, abx, sgnx, ret, en, xx;

    ret = zeros(rows(z), 1);

    i = 1;
    do until i > rows(z);
        xx = z[i,.];
        if endoJcb == 1;
            if ind == 1;
                ret[i] = ln(abs(det(_nseq_EndoJcb(b, xx))));
                jb = _nseq_EndoJcb(b,xx);
                ret[i] = maxc(abs(eig(eye(rows(jb)) - jb)));
            jb = zeros(rows(endoIndices), rows(endoIndices));
            f0 = _nseq_Fct(b, xx);

            x0 = xx[i,endoIndices];
            x0 = x0 + 1e-2*(x0 == 0);
            abx = abs(x0);
            sgnx = x0./abx;

            dh = (1e-8)*maxc(abx|(1e-2)*ones(1, cols(x0))).*sgnx';

            j = 1;
            do until j > cols(x0);
                en = endoIndices[j];
                xx[en] = xx[en] + dh[en];
                jb[j,.] = _nseq_Fct(b, xx);
                j = j + 1;
            if ind == 1;
                ret[i] = ln(abs(det((jb - f0)./dh)));
                jb = (jb-f0)./dh;
                ret[i] = maxc(abs(eig(eye(rows(jb)) - jb)));

        i = i + 1;


Now, we’re ready to set up the cmlmt() optimization:

// Load the data
z = loadd(getGAUSSHome("pkgs/cmlmt/examples/cmlmtnleq"));

// Vector of starting values for our 7 parameters
b0 = { .2, .0, .2, .2, .2, .2, .2 };

// Declare 'c0' to be a cmlmtControl struct
// and fill with default settings
struct cmlmtControl c0;
c0 = cmlmtControlCreate();

**   Convergence can sometimes fail because a feasible line search can't
**   be found.  Thus the line search feasibility test is turned off.
c0.feasibleTest = 0;

**  Constraining the eigenvalues of the Jacobians
**  The code below illustrates a method for constraining the
**  absolute value of the eigenvalues of I - the Jacobian of the
**  residuals w.r.t. the endogenous variables to a unit interval.
**  If the system of equations being estimated here is a cross-
**  sectional representation of a dynamic system, this constraint
**  ensures that it is a "stable" system, i.e., one in a
**  dynamic equilibrium.
**  If there are lagged variables in the system, you will need
**  a more complicated constraint.  See Greene, Econometric
**  Analysis, page 641ff, for details.
proc neqp(b, z, endoIndices, endoJcb);
    retp(.99-_nseq_Jcb(b, z, endoIndices, endoJcb, 2));

c0.ineqProc = &neqp;

// Constant used in log-likelihood procedure
// pulled out of procedure for computational efficiency
_ln2pi = -0.5 * rows(endoIndices) * ln(2*pi);

// Declare 'out' to be a cmlmtResults
// struct to hold optimization results
struct cmlmtResults out;
out = cmlmt(&lpr, b0, z, endoIndices, endoJcb, c0);

// Print results
call cmlmtprt(out);


The cmlmtprt() procedure prints three output tables:

  • Estimation results.

  • Correlation matrix of parameters.

  • Wald confidence limits.

Estimation results#

 CMLMT Version 3.0.0

return code =    0
normal convergence

Log-likelihood        -265.265
Number of cases     100

Covariance of the parameters computed by the following method:
ML covariance matrix
  Parameters    Estimates     Std. err.  Est./s.e.  Prob.    Gradient
x[1,1]   -0.1224        0.4956      -0.247   0.8050      0.0000
x[2,1]    0.1176        0.0863       1.362   0.1731      0.0000
x[3,1]    0.6036        0.3093       1.951   0.0510      0.0000
x[4,1]    0.6122        0.3734       1.640   0.1011      0.0000
x[5,1]    0.7219        0.1851       3.899   0.0001      0.0000
x[6,1]    0.2951        0.1097       2.690   0.0071     -0.0011
x[7,1]    0.3362        0.1348       2.495   0.0126     -0.0001

The estimation results reports:

  • That the model has converged normally with a return code of 0. Any return code other than 0, indicates an issue with convergence. The cmlmt() documentation provides details on how to interpret non-zero return codes.

  • The log-likelihood value and number of cases.

  • Parameter estimates, standard errors, t-statistics and associated p-values, and gradients.

Parameter correlations#

Correlation matrix of the parameters
           1      -0.50689926      -0.92087721      -0.95115909       0.22738692      -0.33543423       -0.1759722
 -0.50689926                1       0.32167663       0.38002565     -0.079802709       0.13764327       0.06266076
 -0.92087721       0.32167663                1       0.90688866       -0.3135579       0.31601986       0.23706339
 -0.95115909       0.38002565       0.90688866                1      -0.22985309       0.32358823        0.1165813
  0.22738692     -0.079802709       -0.3135579      -0.22985309                1      -0.59469942      -0.73925046
 -0.33543423       0.13764327       0.31601986       0.32358823      -0.59469942                1       0.46284909
  -0.1759722       0.06266076       0.23706339        0.1165813      -0.73925046       0.46284909                1

Confidence intervals#

Wald Confidence Limits

                            0.95 confidence limits
Parameters    Estimates     Lower Limit   Upper Limit    Gradient
x[1,1]          -0.1224       -1.1065        0.8618        0.0000
x[2,1]           0.1176       -0.0538        0.2889        0.0000
x[3,1]           0.6036       -0.0106        1.2178        0.0000
x[4,1]           0.6122       -0.1293        1.3537        0.0000
x[5,1]           0.7219        0.3542        1.0895        0.0000
x[6,1]           0.2951        0.0773        0.5130       -0.0011
x[7,1]           0.3362        0.0686        0.6038       -0.0001

Number of iterations    9
Minutes to convergence     0.00292