Panel series unit root testing. This test uses the sample mean of the t-statistics across all individual series within a panel of time series variables.
- { zstat, pcrit } = ips(y, trend, demean, lags[, printOut])#
- Parameters:
y (TxM matrix) – panel data.
trend (scalar) – Indicator variable for including trend. 0 = no trend, 1 = trend.
demean (scalar) – Indicator variable for demeaning variable. 0 = no demeaning, 1 = demean data.
lags (scalar) – Number of lags to include in the test.
printOut (scalar) – Optional argument, indicator variable for printing results. 0 = no printing, 1 = print.
- Returns:
zstat (scalar) – IPS test statistic.
pcrit (vector) – Critical values for unit root test at the 1%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10% significance level.
library tsmt;
// First load data
data = loadd( getGAUSSHome("pkgs/tsmt/examples/panel_g.csv"));
// Take log of data
log_yt = data[., 1]~log(data[., 2:9]);
// Input the lags used in Enders, Table 4.8
lags = { 5, 6, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3 };
// No demeaning
demean = 0;
// Include trend
trend = 1;
// Run IPS test without a trend and without demeaning
print "The IPS test statistic using unmeaned data:";
{ z_1, p_crit1 } = ips(log_yt, trend, demean, lags);
The results are printed to screen:
Test: IPS
Test Variable: Y
Timespan: 1980Q1:2008Q1
Ho: Panel unit root
Model: Constant and Trend
N. Obs: 113
N. Groups: 8
Panel Type: Balanced
Avg. T-stat -2.414
Adj. Z-stat -2.921
Critical Values:
1% 5% 10%
-2.719 -2.611 -2.513
Reject the null hypothesis of unit root at the 1% level.
Individual t-stats:
Group T-stat
1 -2.068
2 -2.035
3 -2.938
4 -3.064
5 -1.752
6 -1.945
7 -2.939
8 -2.567
See also
Functions breitung()