Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Analytic Gradients#
This GAUSS maximum likelihood example demonstrates the use of MAXLIKMT to estimate parameters of a tobit modelwith analytic first derivatives.
Key example features#
Usages of data from the file maxlikmttobit.dat (included with maxlikmt).
- User defined likelihood function,
with four inputs: A parameter vector.
Additional X and y data matrices, which are passed to
as optional arguments.The required ind input.
- User defined likelihood function,
The inclusion of analytic gradient computations, as specified in the
Code for estimation#
** Maximum likelihood tobit model
library maxlikmt;
// Tobit likelihood function with 4 inputs
// i. p - The parameter vector
// ii-iii. x and y - Extra data needed by the objective procedure
// ii. ind - The indicator vector
proc lpr(p, x, y, ind);
local s2, b0, b, yh, u, res, g1, g2;
// Declare 'mm' to be a modelResults
// struct local to this procedure
struct modelResults mm;
// Parameters
b0 = p[1];
b = p[2:4];
s2 = p[5];
// Function computations
yh = b0 + x * b;
res = y - yh;
u = y[., 1] ./= 0;
// If first element of 'ind' is non-zero,
// compute function evaluation
if ind[1];
mm.function = u.*lnpdfmvn(res, s2) + (1 - u).*(ln(cdfnc(yh/sqrt(s2))));
// If second element of 'ind' is non-zero,
// compute function evaluation
if ind[2];
yh = yh/sqrt(s2);
g1 = ((res~x.*res)/s2) ~ ((res.*res/s2) - 1)/(2*s2);
g2 = ( -( ones(rows(x), 1) ~ x )/sqrt(s2) ) ~ (yh/(2*s2));
g2 = (pdfn(yh)./cdfnc(yh)).*g2;
mm.gradient = u.*g1 + (1 - u).*g2;
// Return modelResults struct
// Set parameter starting values
p0 = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
// Load data
z = loadd(getGAUSSHome("pkgs/maxlikmt/examples/maxlikmttobit.dat"));
// Separate X and y
y = z[., 1];
x = z[., 2:4];
// Declare control structure
struct maxlikmtControl c0;
c0 = maxlikmtcontrolcreate;
// Print Iterations to screen
c0.printiters = 1;
// Change descent algorithm to use BHHH
c0.algorithm = 4;
// Set tolerance level
c0.tol = 1e-6;
// Place bounds on coefficients
// -10 < b0 < 10
//- 10 < b1, b2, b3 < 10
// 0.1 < s2 < 10
c0.Bounds = { -10 10,
-10 10,
-10 10,
-10 10,
.1 10 };
// Declare 'out' to be a maxlikmtResults
// struct to hold optimization results
struct maxlikmtResults out;
out = maxlikmtprt(maxlikmt(&lpr, p0, x, y, c0));
The maxlikmtprt()
procedure prints three output tables:
Estimation results.
Correlation matrix of parameters.
Wald confidence limits.
Estimation results#
MAXLIKMT Version 3.0.0
return code = 0
normal convergence
Log-likelihood -44.8988
Number of cases 100
Covariance of the parameters computed by the following method:
ML covariance matrix
Parameters Estimates Std. err. Est./s.e. Prob. Gradient
x[1,1] 1.4303 0.0338 42.348 0.0000 0.0000
x[2,1] 0.4948 0.0355 13.953 0.0000 0.0000
x[3,1] 0.4955 0.0413 12.011 0.0000 0.0000
x[4,1] 0.4119 0.0355 11.596 0.0000 0.0000
x[5,1] 0.1000 0.0132 7.587 0.0000 90.9995
The estimation results reports:
That the model has converged normally with a return code of 0. Any return code other than 0, indicates an issue with convergence. The
documentation provides details on how to interpret non-zero return codes.The log-likelihood value and number of cases.
Parameter estimates, standard errors, t-statistics and associated p-values, and gradients.
Parameter correlations#
Correlation matrix of the parameters
1 0.069139065 -0.24058113 0.056496522 -0.088492586
0.069139065 1 -0.30744504 -0.060911279 0.04713576
-0.24058113 -0.30744504 1 -0.31863882 0.054598226
0.056496522 -0.060911279 -0.31863882 1 0.036705333
-0.088492586 0.04713576 0.054598226 0.036705333 1
Confidence intervals#
Wald Confidence Limits
0.95 confidence limits
Parameters Estimates Lower Limit Upper Limit Gradient
x[1,1] 1.4303 1.3632 1.4973 0.0000
x[2,1] 0.4948 0.4244 0.5652 0.0000
x[3,1] 0.4955 0.4136 0.5774 0.0000
x[4,1] 0.4119 0.3414 0.4824 0.0000
x[5,1] 0.1000 0.0738 0.1262 90.9995
Number of iterations 16
Minutes to convergence 0.00442