Test for stability of all parameters using a cumulative sums of weighted full sample residuals. The test employs the locally best invariant tests in a Lagrange multiplier format.
- { ny, prob } = hansen(yt, xt, print_out)#
- Parameters:
yt (Matrix) – Tx1 numerical vector of panel series data.
xt (Matrix) – TxK numerical matrix of estimation regressors.
print_out (Scalar) – Optional input, 1 to print output to the screen; 0 to suppress output. Default = 1.
- Returns:
ny (Matrix) – Hansen test statistic in order: Hansen test for parameter stability, Hansen test for variance constancy, Hansen test for joint stability.
crit (Vector) – 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 20% critical values.
library tsmt;
// This generates 400 observations of a
// linear time series with a break in the constant
// at observations 120
b1 = { 1.2, -2, 0.75 };
b2 = { 5, -2, 0.75 };
n1 = 120;
n_tot = 400;
xt = ones(n_tot, 1)~rndn(n_tot, 2);
et = rndn(n_tot, 1);
// Create series with break
y1 = xt[1:n1, .]*b1 + et[1:n1, .];
y2 = xt[n1+1:n_tot, .]*b2 + et[n1+1:n_tot, .];
yt_break = y1|y2;
// Run example including printOut of results
{ ny, crit } = hansen(yt_break, xt);
Test: Hansen-Nyblom (1989)
Test Variable: Y1
Timespan: Unknown
Ho: Stability
Model: No constant or trend
N. Obs: 400
Beta1 21.998
Beta2 0.263
Beta3 0.091
Variance 11.161
Joint -9.182
Critical Values:
1% 5% 10%
2.120 1.680 1.490
Reject the null hypothesis of constancy of Beta1 at the 1% level.
Cannot reject the null hypothesis of constancy of Beta2.
Cannot reject the null hypothesis of constancy of Beta3.
Reject the null hypothesis of constancy of variance at the 1% level.
Reject the null hypothesis of joint constancy of all parameters at the 1% level.
Nyblom, J. (1989). Testing for the constancy of parameters over time, Journal of American Statistical Association, 84(405), 223-230.
Hansen, B.E. (1992). Testing for parameter instability in linear models, Journal of Policy Modeling, 14(4): 517-533.
See also
Functions chowfcst()
, sbreak()