

Perform the Harris–Tzavalis panel series unit root testing. The z statistics constructed from the mean t-statistic has an asymptotic standardized normal distribution and tests the null hypothesis that all series are I(1) against the alternative that all series are I(0).


{ Z, z_infinite_t } = htTest(y, model)#
  • y (Matrix) – TxM matrix, data, M > 5.

  • model (Scalar) – Scalar, indicates which test to run: 1 for homogeneous no mean, 2 for heterogeneous, fixed effect, 3 heterogeneous, fixed effect and time trend.

  • Z (Scalar) – Small, t test statistic.

  • z_infinite_t (Scalar) – Large, t test statistic.


Example One: Data without mean#

library tsmt;

// Load cobb douglas production function data set
y = loadd(getGAUSSHome("pkgs/tsmt/examples/production_cobb.dat"));

// Run test using model one for data with no mean
{ z, zInf } = htTest(y, 1);

This prints the following report:

Test:                             Harris and Tzavalis (1999)
Test Variable:                                             Y
Timespan:                                            Unknown
Ho:                                                Unit Root
Model:                                 Homogenous, Zero Mean
N. Obs:                                                   16
N. Groups:                                                48
Panel Type:                                         Balanced

Z                                                      0.208
Z-infinite                                             0.215

Cannot reject the null hypothesis of finite t case with unit root.
Cannot reject the null hypothesis of infinite t case with unit root.

Example Two: Data with fixed effects#

This example works with the same data as example one but includes fixed effects.

// Run HT test for model two for data with fixed effects
{ z_fe, zInf_fe } = htTest(y, 2);

This prints an updated report:

Test:                             Harris and Tzavalis (1999)
Test Variable:                                             Y
Timespan:                                            Unknown
Ho:                                                Unit Root
Model:                            Heterogenous, Fixed Effect
N. Obs:                                                   16
N. Groups:                                                48
Panel Type:                                         Balanced

Z                                                      6.328
Z-infinite                                             6.138





See also

Functions vmadfmt(), vmppmt(), kpss(), ips()