

Reshapes a scalar, matrix, or array into an array of user-specified size.


y = areshape(x, orders)#
  • x (scalar or matrix or N-dimensional array.)

  • orders (Mx1 vector) – orders. the sizes of the dimensions of the new array.


y (M-dimensional array) – created from data in x.


x = 3;
orders = { 2, 3, 4 };
y = areshape(x, orders);

y will be a 2x3x4 array of threes.

// Create a 30x3 matrix with consecutive integer values
x = reshape(seqa(1, 1, 90), 30, 3);

orders = { 2, 3, 4, 5 };
y = areshape(x, orders);

y will be a 2x3x4x5 array. Since y contains 120 elements and x contains only 90, the first 90 elements of y will be set to the sequence of integers from 1 to 90 that are contained in x, and the last 30 elements of y will be set to the sequence of integers from 1 to 30 contained in the first 30 elements of x.

// Create a 20x3 matrix with consecutive integer values
x = reshape(seqa(1, 1, 60), 20, 3);

orders = { 3, 2, 4 };
y = areshape(x, orders);

y will be a 3x2x4 array. Since y contains 24 elements, and x contains 60, the elements of y will be set to the sequence of integers from 1 to 24 contained in the first 24 elements of x.


If there are more elements in x than in y, the remaining elements are discarded. If there are not enough elements in x to fill y, then when areshape() runs out of elements, it goes back to the first element of x and starts getting additional elements from there.

See also

Functions aconcat(), squeeze()