

Runs a source code or compiled code program.


run filename;
run -r filename;



(literal or ^string) name of file to run.


flag, returns control to the calling program.


Example 1#

run myprog.prg;

Example 2#

name = "myprog.prg";
run ^name;

Example 3#

x = rndn(3, 3);
run -r myprog.prg;
y = inv(x);
e = x*y;

In this case, GAUSS will execute the lines after the run command. If the the -r is omitted, the lines following the run command will not be executed within a program.


The filename can be any legal file name. Filename extensions can be whatever you want, except for the compiled file extension, .gcg. Pathnames are okay. If the name is to be taken from a string variable, then the name of the string variable must be preceded by the ^ (caret) operator.

The run statement can be used both from the command line and within a program. If used in a program, once control is given to another program through the run statement, there is no return to the original program unless the flag -r is used.

If you specify a filename without an extension, GAUSS will first look for a compiled code program (i.e., a .gcg file) by that name, then a source code program by that name. For example, if you enter

run dog;

GAUSS will first look for the compiled code file dog.gcg, and run that if it finds it. If GAUSS cannot find dog.gcg, it will then look for the source code file dog with no extension.

If a path is specified for the file, then no additional searching will be attempted if the file is not found.

If a path is not specified, the current directory will be searched first, then each directory listed in src_path. The first instance found is run. src_path is defined in gauss.cfg.

// No additional search will be made if the file is not found.
run /gauss/myprog.prg;
// The directories listed in src_path will be searched for myprog.prg if the file is not found in the current directory.
run myprog.prg;

Programs can also be run by typing the filename on the OS command line when starting GAUSS.

See also
