

Write the contents of a GAUSS matrix to a CSV file.


ret = csvWriteM(data, filename[, sep[, prec[, append[, newline]]]])#
  • data (matrix) – containing the data to be written.

  • filename (string) – valid filespec, name of CSV file to write.

  • sep (string) – optional. the character to separate the data. Default = ",".

  • prec (scalar) – optional. the number of digits of precision to retain. Default = 15.

  • append (scalar) – optional. 0 to overwrite entire file or 1 to append to file. Default = 0.

  • newline (string) – optional. specifying the character(s) to end a line in the file. Default = "\n".


ret (scalar) – return code. 0 for success, or non-zero if an error occurred.


Basic Example#

Write the contents from a matrix to a new file named myfile.csv located in your current working directory.

// Create a simple matrix
x = { 1 2,
      3 4,
      5 6 };

// Write the contents of 'x' to a file named 'myfile.csv'
ret = csvWriteM(x, "myfile.csv");

Create a tab separated text file#

// Create a simple matrix
x = { 1 2,
      3 4,
      5 6 };

// Specify the optional separator input to be a tab character
sep = "\t";

// Write the data to the file 'mytabfile.csv'
ret = csvWriteM(x, "mytabfile.csv", sep);

Specify the precision with which to write the data#

// Create a simple matrix
x = { 1.102  2.001,
      3.041  4.232,
      5.113  6.523 };

// Specify the optional separator input to be a commar
sep = ",";

// Specify the number of significant digits to print
prec = 2;

// Write the data to the file 'myfile.csv'
ret = csvWriteM(x, "myfile.csv", sep, prec);

Append to an existing file#

// Create a simple matrix
x = { 9.008  1.005,
      1.445  4.247,
      2.913  1.020 };

// 1 for append
append_flag = 1;

// Append the data to the file 'myfile.csv'
ret = csvWriteM(x, "myfile.csv", ",", 2, append_flag);

Specify Windows style CRLF line endings#

// Create a simple matrix
x = { 9.008  1.005,
      1.445  4.247,
      2.913  1.020 };

//'\r\n' indicates carriage return followed by a line feed
line_feed= "\r\n";

// Append the data to the file 'myfile.csv'
ret = csvWriteM(x, "myfile.csv", ",", 2, 0, line_feed);

Specify full path to file#


ret = csvWriteM(x, "C:\\mydata\\myfile.csv");


Notice that double backslashes are needed inside of a string on Windows


ret = csvWriteM(x, "/Users/MyUserName/myfile.csv");


ret = csvWriteM(x, "/home/my_user/myfile.csv");


  • Use saved() to create a CSV dataset.

  • The standard output and standard error streams (stdout, stderr) can be written to with csvWriteM() by passing in the variable __STDOUT, or __STDERR as the filename input. Note that __STDOUT, or __STDERR should not be passed in as a string. The following example shows correct usage:

x = csvWriteM(__STDOUT);