

Adds a textbox to an existing graph.


plotAddTextbox([myAnnotation, ]text, x_start, y_start[, position])#
  • myAnnotation (struct) – Optional input, a plotAnnotation structure.

  • text (string) – the text to place in the textbox.

  • x_start (scalar or Nx1 vector) – the X coordinate for the start of the bounding box for each respective text box.

  • y_start (scalar or Nx1 vector) – the Y coordinate for the start of the bounding box for each respective text box.

  • position (string) –

    Optional argument, the position of the textbox relative to the origin. Default is "bottom right".

    The origin position string may contain up to two tokens, or words.

    1.  Vertical location: "top", "vcenter" or "bottom" (default).

    2.  Horizontal location: "left", "hcenter" or "right" (default).

    3. "center" is equivalent to specifying "vcenter hcenter".


Basic textbox#

// Create text for textbox
box_text = "Periods of recession are highlighted";

x_start = 4;
y_start = 3;

// Add textbox to the (4,3) location on the last draw graph
plotAddTextbox(box_text, x_start, y_start);

Customized textbox#

// Simulate and plot simple linear model
b_0 = 2;
b_1 = 1.7;
x = rndn(100, 1);
y = b_0 + b_1 .* x + rndn(100, 1);
plotScatter(x, y);

// Declare instance of plotAnnotation structure
// and fill in with default values
struct plotAnnotation myTextbox;
myTextbox = annotationGetDefaults();

// Set textbox background to 'light gray' with 20% opacity
annotationSetBkd(&myTextbox, "light gray", 0.2);

// Turn off line surrounding textbox by setting thickness to 0px
annotationSetLineThickness(&myTextbox, 0);

// Create text for textbox, using HTML
box_text = "α = 2; β<sub>1</sub> = 1.7";

// The top-left corner of the text box
// will be located at the coordinates (0, -1)
x_start = 0;
y_start = -1;

// Add textbox to last draw graph
plotAddTextbox(myTextbox, box_text, x_start, y_start);

Using a procedure to apply your settings#

If you use textboxes often and usually want the same styling, instead of going through the steps above every time you would like to add a text box, you should create a simple procedure to do the set up for you. Here is an example of a procedure that will return a customized plotAnnotation structure. You can pass this function in to plotAddTextbox().

// Add the procedure below to your user library
// and you will only need one line for all the settings
plotAddTextbox(grayTextSettings(), "My customized text box", 0.15, 0.2);

proc (1) = grayTextSettings();
    struct plotAnnotation mytextbox;

    mytextbox = annotationGetDefaults();
    annotationSetBkd(&mytextbox, "#DDDDDD", 0.3);
    annotationSetFont(&mytextbox, "times", 18, "#555555");
    annotationSetLineThickness(&mytextbox, 2);
    annotationSetLineColor(&mytextbox, "#555555");


plotAddTextbox() will only add a textbox to an existing graph. It will not create a new graph if one does not already exist.


The top left corner of the bounding box will be located at the point on the graph that you specify. If the border is turned off, the text will not touch the exact coordinate that you input. In many cases this makes it simpler to label a point that is already part of a scatter or line series without covering it.

Unlike the functions that add data to a plot, if a textbox created by plotAddTextbox() lies outside of the current bounds of the X and Y axes, the axes will not extend further to provide room for the textbox. This gives you the ability to add text to any part of the scene, or between different subplots.

plotAddTextbox() does not currently support surface plots.