

Converts a floating point number to a string or string array with optionally specified precision.


str = ntos(num[, prec])#
  • num (scalar or NxK matrix) – the numbers to be converted to a string

  • prec (scalar) –

    optional argument, the number of digits to display. If the precision input is not specified, the default value is 6.

    Valid input values are: \(1 ≤ prec ≤ 15\).


str (string or NxK string array) – contains the string representation of the input.


Example 1#

// Set 'pi_num' equal to the constant 'pi'
pi_num = pi;

// Create a string containing the first 6 digits of pi
pi_str = ntos(pi_num);
print pi_str;



Example 2#

roi = 6.725301;

// Convert to string with 3 digits
roi_str = ntos(roi, 3);

// Combine strings
out = "The project had an ROI of " $+ roi_str $+ "%";
print out;


The project had an ROI of 6.73%

Example 3#

parm = { 1982 2.75000,
         1983 2.20272,
         1984 2.55102 };

// Convert to string array with max of 5 digits per element
parms = ntos(parm, 5);

print parms;


1982             2.75
1983           2.2027
1984            2.551


This function will convert numbers to either decimal representation or scientific notation, depending upon which is most compact. The behavior is equivalent to the ‘%g’ format specifier to the ‘C’ language function printf. The precision of an individual number will be the smaller of the prec input and the maximum number of significant digits.

See also

Functions ftos(), stof()