

Converts an array to type matrix.


y = arraytomat(a)#

a (N-dimensional array)


y (KxL or 1xL matrix or scalar) – where L is the size of the fastest moving dimension of the array and K is the size of the second fastest moving dimension.


** Create 25x1 vector containing the sequence 0.5, 1,
** 1.5...12.5
x = seqa(0.5, 0.5, 25);

** Reshape into a 1x6x4 array, discarding the 25th element
** of 'x'
a = areshape(x, 1|6|4);

**  Set 'y' to be a 6x4 variable of type matrix, with the
** same contents as 'a'
y = arraytomat(a);

The code above sets y equal to:

 0.5    1.0    1.5    2.0
 2.5    3.0    3.5    4.0
 4.5    5.0    5.5    6.0
 6.5    7.0    7.5    8.0
 8.5    9.0    9.5   10.0
10.5   11.0   11.5   12.0


arraytomat() will take an array of 1 or 2 dimensions or an N-dimensional array, in which the N-2 slowest moving dimensions each have a size of 1.

See also

Functions mattoarray()