

Terminates a program.




// Turn on auxiliary output
output on;

// Turn off screen
screen off;

// Print x
print x;

// End program

In this example, a matrix x is printed to the auxiliary output. The output to the window is turned off to speed up the printing. The end statement is used to terminate the program, so the output file will be closed and the window turned back on.


The end statement causes GAUSS to revert to interactive mode, and closes all open files. The end statement also closes the auxiliary output file and sets screen command to on. It is not necessary to put an end statement at the end of a program.

An end statement can be placed above a label which begins a subroutine to make sure that a program does not enter a subroutine without a gosub.

The stop statement also terminates a program but closes no files and leaves the screen setting as it is.

See also

Functions new, stop, system