

Controls logging of interactive mode commands to a disk file.


comlog [[file=filename]] [[on|off|reset]]

filename (literal or ^string) –

The file=filename subcommand selects the file to log interactive mode statements to. This can be any legal file name.

If the name of the file is to be taken from a string variable, the name of the string must be preceded by the ^ (caret) operator.

There is no default file name.


// Log your interactive commands in the file
// 'mycommands.log' located in your current working directory
// Note that the 'reset' option will delete the current version
// of the file 'mycommands.log' if it exists
comlog file=mycommands.log reset;

// Report the comlog status

Assuming your current working directory is /Users/Sam/gauss, you will see the following output:

Command log file: /Users/Sam/gauss/mycommands.log is open
// Execute some interactive commands.
// Note these must be run from the GAUSS command window.
// Code run in GAUSS program files will not be logged.
x = 5;
s = "This is a string";

After running the above commands, the contents of your /Users/Sam/gauss/mycommands.log file will be:

x = 5;
s = "This is a string";

After running the above code, your commands will continue to be logged in your mycommands.log file until you enter:

comlog off;


  • comlog on turns on command logging to the current file. If the file already exists, subsequent commands will be appended.

  • comlog off closes the log file and turns off command logging.

  • comlog reset turns on command logging to the current log file, resetting the log file by deleting any previous commands.

  • Interactive mode statements are always logged into the file specified by the log_file configuration variable in the gauss.cfg file, regardless of the state of comlog.

  • The command comlog file= filename selects the file but does not turn on logging.

  • The command comlog off will turn off logging. The filename will remain the same. A subsequent comlog on will cause logging to resume. A subsequent comlog reset will cause the existing contents of the log file to be destroyed and a new file created.

  • The command comlog by itself will cause the name and status of the current log file to be printed in the window.

  • Interactive commands to run a file, i.e. run ols.e; will not be logged by comlog.