

Tests if the end of a file has been reached.


ret = eof(fh)#

fh (scalar) – file handle.


ret (scalar) – 1 if end of file has been reached, else 0.


Read each row from a dataset one at a time and compute the sum of each column.

// Get file name with full path to dataset
fname = getGAUSSHome("examples/credit.dat");

// Get file handle, to read from dataset
fh = dataOpen(fname, "read");

sum = 0;

// Iterate until reaching end of dataset
do until eof(fh);
    // Read one row of the dataset per iteration
    tmp = readr(fh, 1);

    sum = sum + tmp;

After the above code, sum will equal:

18087.6     1.89424e+06     141976     1183     22267     5380

GAUSS will keep reading until eof(fh) returns the value 1, which it will when the end of the dataset has been reached.


This function is used with readr() and the fgets() commands to test for the end of a file.

The seekr() function can be used to set the pointer to a specific row position in a dataset; the fseek() function can be used to set the pointer to a specific byte offset in a file opened with fopen().

See also

Functions open, readr(), seekr()