

Controls the settings for the x-axis label on a graph.


plotSetXLabel(&myPlot, label[, font[, fontSize[, fontColor]]])#
  • &myPlot (struct pointer) – A plotControl structure pointer.

  • label (string) – the new label. This may contain HTML for the creation of Greek letters, mathematical symbols and text formatting.

  • font (string) – Optional argument, font or font family name.

  • fontSize (scalar) – Optional argument, font size in points.

  • fontColor (string) – Optional argument, named color or RGB value.


Example 1: Basic usage#

// Declare plotControl structure
struct plotControl myPlot;

// Initialize plotControl structure
myPlot = plotGetDefaults("hist");

// Set the x-axis label, label font, label font size, and
// label color
plotSetXLabel(&myPlot, "Time (sec)", "verdana", 10, "black");

// Create data
x = rndn(1e5,1);

// Plot a histogram of the x data spread over 50 bins
plotHist(myPlot, x, 50);

Example 2: HTML#

You may add Greek letters, mathematical symbols, subscript and superscript to your axis labels using HTML. To add HTML to a label, you need to wrap the text to be interpreted as HTML in HTML tags.

label_string = "<html>&beta;</html>";
plotSetXLabel(&myPlot, label_string);

The code above will add the letter \(\beta\) to the x-axis label. The HTML 'sup' tag will create superscript and the 'sub' tag will create subscript. For example:

label_string = "<html>&sigma;<sup>2</sup></html>";
plotSetXLabel(&myPlot, label_string);

will add \(\sigma^2\) to your x-axis label. While,

label_string = "<html>Y<sub>t-1</sub></html>";
plotSetXLabel(&myPlot, label_string);

will create \(Y_{t-1}\)

Example 3: Latex#

You can use Latex to add equations to axis labels. Note that double-backslashes must be used as shown below.

// Tell GAUSS to interpret the axis label text as Latex
plotSetTextInterpreter(&myPlot, "Latex", "axes");

// Add Latex axis label.
plotSetXLabel(&myPlot, "\\sqrt{\\lambda}");

The code above will add \(\sqrt{\lambda}\) to your x-axis label.



This function sets an attribute in a plotControl structure. It does not affect an existing graph, or a new graph drawn using the default settings that are accessible from the Tools > Preferences > Graphics menu.

The axis updated by this function is determined by the value previously specified by plotSetActiveX(). The accepted values are "bottom" (default), "top", and "both".

Future calls to plotSetActiveX() will not retroactively change the values of a previously modified axis.