

Trims rows from the top and/or bottom of a matrix.


y = trimr(x, t, b)#
  • x (NxK matrix) – matrix from which rows are to be trimmed

  • t (scalar) – containing the number of rows which are to be removed from the top of x

  • b (scalar) – containing the number of rows which are to be removed from the bottom of x


y (RxK matrix) – where \(R=N-(t + b)\), containing the rows left after the trim.


// Create a 5x3 matrix of random uniform numbers
x = rndu(5, 3);

// Remove the top 2 rows of x and the bottom row
y = trimr(x, 2, 1);

If x is equal to:

0.780 0.922 0.864
0.151 0.687 0.947
0.271 0.014 0.060
0.054 0.084 0.526
0.880 0.278 0.199

then y will equal:

0.271 0.014 0.060
0.054 0.084 0.526


If either t or b is zero, then no rows will be trimmed from that end of the matrix.

See also

Functions submat(), rotater(), shiftr()