

Adds (or subtracts) time to (from) a date-time.


t_inc = timeDeltaPosix(dt_start, inc, unit)#
  • dt_start (NxK string array, dataframe, or matrix) –

    contains 1 more dates as a string array, dates, or in POSIX date/time format (seconds since Jan 1, 1970).

    If using strings, valid formats include:


    • "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI"

    • "YYYY-MM-DD HH"

    • "YYYY-MM-DD"

    • "YYYY-MM"

    • "YYYY"

  • inc (scalar) – the number of units to increment dt_start.

  • unit (string) –

    indicating the units for the increments in inc.

    Valid unit options:

    • "years"

    • "months"

    • "days"

    • "hours"

    • "seconds"


t_inc (NxK dataframe or matrix) – dt_start, increased by inc units, in same date format as dt_start.


// January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00
dt_start = "1970-01-01";

// Increment by 15 years
dt_inc = timeDeltaPosix(dt_start, 15, "years");

The above code will set dt_inc equal to:

// January 1, 1985 11:30:00
dt_start = "1985-01-01 11:30:00";

// Increment by 9 hours
dt_inc = timeDeltaPosix(dt_start, 9, "hours");

The above code will set dt_inc equal to:

1985-01-01 20:30:00
// January 1, 1985 at 09:00:00
// January 1, 1985 at 11:00:00
dt_start = "1985-01-01 09:00:00"$|"1985-01-01 11:00:00";

// Increment by 45 seconds
dt_inc = timeDeltaPosix(dt_start, 45, "seconds");

The above code will set dt_inc equal to:

1985-01-01 09:00:45
1985-01-01 11:00:45