

Reverses the order of the rows in a matrix.


y = rev(x)#

x (NxK matrix) – data


y (NxK matrix) – contains the reversed rows of x.


// Set the rng seed for repeatable results
rndseed 345345;

// Set print formatting to print 4 spaces for each column
// and 0 numbers after the decimal
format /rd 4,0;

// Create some random integers
x = round(rndn(5, 3)*10);

// Reverse the order of the columns
y = rev(x);

print "x = " x;
print "y = " y;

The code above produces the following output:

x =
  10  -14   -7
   3   -1   -5
  -7    4    2
   1    1    1
   7   -7    2
y =
   7   -7    2
   1    1    1
  -7    4    2
   3   -1   -5
  10  -14   -7


The first row of y will be where the last row of x was and the last row will be where the first was and so on. This can be used to put a sorted matrix in descending order.

See also

Functions sortc()