

Converts a character vector to a string.


s = cvtos(v)#

v (Nx1 vector) – Character vector to be converted to a string.


s (string) – contains the contents of v.


v = { "Now is t" "he time " "for all " "good men" };
s = cvtos(v);

Now the variable s is a string with the following contents.

s = "Now is the time for all good men"


cvtos() in effect appends the elements of v together into a single string.

cvtos() was written to operate in conjunction with stocv(). If you pass it a character vector that does not conform to the output of stocv(), you may get unexpected results. For example, cvtos() does NOT look for 0 terminating bytes in the elements of v; it assumes every element except the last is 8 characters long. If this is not true, there will be 0’s in the middle of s.

If the last element of v does not have a terminating 0 byte, cvtos() supplies one for s.

See also

Functions stocv(), vget(), vlist(), vput(), vread()