code (dataloop)#


Creates new variables with different values based on a set of logical expressions.


code [[#]] [[$]] var [[default defval]] with
val_1 for expression_1,
val_2 for expression_2,
val_n for expression_n
  • var (literal) – the new variable name.

  • defval (scalar) – the default value if none of the expressions are TRUE.

  • val (scalar) – value to be used if corresponding expression is TRUE.

  • expression (scalar) – logical scalar-returning expression that returns nonzero TRUE or zero FALSE


code agecat default 5 with
 1 for age < 21,
 2 for age >= 21 and age < 35,
 3 for age >= 35 and age < 50,
 4 for age >= 50 and age < 65;
code $ sex with
"MALE" for gender == 1,
"FEMALE" for gender == 0;


If ‘$’ is specified, the new variable will be considered a character variable. If ‘#’ or nothing is specified, the new variable will be considered numeric.

The logical expressions must be mutually exclusive, i.e., only one may return TRUE for a given row (observation).

Any variables referenced must already exist, either as elements of the source dataset, as externs, or as the result of a previous make, vector, or code statement.

If no default value is specified, 999 is used.

See also

Functions recode()