

Reorder a matrix based on user-specified ordering. Relocates columns to the beginning of the dataset in the order in which the variables are specified.


X_new = order(X, columns)#
  • X (NxK dataframe) – data. Must have metadata.

  • columns (Jx1 vector or string array) – Names or indices of variables in X to be moved to first J columns in the dataframe.


X_new (NxK dataframe) – reordered data with the first J columns containing the columns in columns, in the order they are input.


// Create matrix
x = reshape(seqa(1, 1, 100), 5, 20);

// Order of columns
columnlist = 5|3|1;

// Reorder matrix
x_new = order(x, columnlist);

// Load NBA dataset
fname = getGAUSSHome("examples/nba_ht_wt.xls");
nba_ht_wt = loadd(fname, "str(Player) + cat(Pos) + Age + date(BDate) + Height");

// Reorder column to show 'Age', 'Pos', and 'Height'
// in column 1, 2, 3
nba_new = order(nba_ht_wt, "Age"$|"Pos"$|"Height");

After the code above, the first five rows of nba_new looks like:

      Age    Pos           Height           Player            BDate
25.000000      C        83.000000   Vitor Faverani       1988-05-05
22.000000      G        74.000000    Avery Bradley       1990-11-26
33.000000      G        77.000000     Keith Bogans       1980-05-12
21.000000      F        81.000000  Jared Sullinger       1992-03-04
27.000000      F        81.000000       Jeff Green       1986-08-28

See also

Functions delcols()