

Adds folders to the source path relative to the program file or the working directory.


#include rel_path


Program file examples#

For this example, let’s assume that the following contents were added to a file named main.gss in the folder C:\Users\Research\Progs.

#include myfile.src;

The above code will:

  1. Add the folder, C:\Users\Research\Progs to the front of the GAUSS source path.

  2. GAUSS will look for the myfile.src file in C:\Users\Research\Progs.

Relative path example#

As with our previous example, let’s assume that the code block below is in a file named main.gss in the folder C:\Users\Research\Progs.

This time, however, we have decided to move all of our .src files to a sub-folder named src located inside of C:\Users\Research\Progs. Therefore we change our code to:

#includedir src
#include myfile.src;

This time, the code will:

  1. Add the folder, C:\Users\Research\Progs\src to the front of the GAUSS source path.

  2. GAUSS will look for the myfile.src file in C:\Users\Research\Progs\src.


  • Use resetsourcepaths() to reset your GAUSS source paths to what they were when you started GAUSS.

  • If #includedir is used from the command window, GAUSS will add the current working directory (or a path relative to the current working directory) to the source path.

  • #include will look for files first in your current working directory, then check the files in your source path.

  • You can view your current source path with the command:

    // Print the current source path
    print sysstate(22,0);

See also

Functions #include, resetsourcepaths()