

Integrates a user-defined function, using adaptive quadrature, over a user defined interval


y = integrate1d(&fct, x_min, x_max[, ...[, ctl]])#
y = integrate1d(&fct, x_min, x_max, ctl)
  • &fct (scalar) – pointer to the procedure containing the function to be integrated

  • x_min (scalar) – starting point for the integration

  • x_max (scalar) – ending point for the integration

  • ... (any) – Optional input. a variable number of extra arguments to pass to the user function. These arguments will be passed to the user function untouched.

  • ctl (struct) –

    Optional input. an instance of an integrateControl structure with members


    scalar, maximum number of divisions of the region (x_min, x_max)


    scalar, absolute accuracy requested.


    scalar, relative accuracy requested.


y (scalar) – the estimated integral of \(f(x)\) evaluated over the interval (x_min, x_max)


Basic Example#

Calculate the integral \(\int_{0}^{3}\frac{1}{x+1}dx\)

// Define procedure to be integrated
proc (1) = fct(x);
   retp(1 ./ (x + 1));

// Calculate integral for procedure 'fct', from 0 - 3
ans = integrate1d(&fct, 0, 3);

will result in:

ans = 1.3862943611

Passing extra arguments to the user function#

Calculate the integral \(\int_{-1000}^{1000} e^{-\frac{x^2}{2xa}dx}, a=3\)

// Define procedure to be integrated
proc (1) = myProc(x, var);
   retp(exp( -(x .* x) / (2 .* var) ));

// Define limits of integration
x_min = -1000;
x_max = 1000;

// Define extra argument for procedure 'myProc'
a = 3;

ans = integrate1d(&myProc, x_min, x_max, a);

will result in:

ans = 4.3416075273

Bound at negative infinity#

Calculate the integral \(\int_{-\infty}^{0}\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{(x − \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}dx\)

// Define procedure to be integrated
proc (1) = myPdfn(x, mu, sigma);
   retp(pdfn((x - mu) ./ sigma) ./ sigma);

// Set bounds of integration to be (-Inf, 0)
x_min = __INFN;
x_max = 0;

// Extra inputs for user function
mu = 0.33;
sigma = 7;

ans = integrate1d(&myPdfn, x_min, x_max, mu, sigma);

will result in:

ans = 0.481199685115

Using a control structure#

Calculate the integral \(\int_{-\infty}^{0}\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{(x − \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}dx\)

// Define procedure to be integrated
proc (1) = myPdfn(x, mu, sigma);
   retp(pdfn((x - mu) ./ sigma) ./ sigma);

// Set bounds of integration to be (0, +Inf)
x_min = 0;
x_max = __INFP;

// Extra inputs for user function
mu = 0.33;
sigma = 7;

** Declare instance of 'integrateControl' structure
** and fill with default values
struct integrateControl ctl;
ctl = integrateControlCreate();

// Lower required tolerance for faster return
ctl.absTol = 1e-2;

ans = integrate1d(&myPdfn, x_min, x_max, mu, sigma, ctl);

will result in:

ans = 0.518798668212


The user-provided function must be able to accept a vector of scalar values and return a vector of outputs. Make sure to use the element by element operators (.* ./) instead of the overloaded matrix operators (* /). For example, the following procedure:

proc (1) = myProc(x);
   local  ret;
   ret = x / (x * x);

will work as expected for a scalar input. For example:

a = 2;
b = 3;
c = myProc(a);
d = myProc(b);

will assign c to be equal to 0.5 and d to be equal to 0.334. However, if we pass in a vector like this:

a = { 2,
      3 };
c = myProc(a);

we will cause an the error matrices not conformable when we try to multiply the incoming 2x1 vector times itself inside of myProc. To avoid this, we simply need to change the operators * and / to the element-by-element versions by prepending the operator with a dot like this:

proc (1) = myProc(x);
    local  ret;
    ret = x ./ (x .* x);

