

Rotates the rows of a matrix.


y = rotater(x, r)#
  • x (NxK matrix) – data to be rotated

  • r (Nx1 matrix or scalar) – Specifies the amount of rotation


y (NxK matrix) – Rotated matrix


// Create data matrix
x = { 1 2 3,
    4 5 6 };

// Rotation matrix
r = { 1, -1 };

// Rotate matrix x
y = rotater(x, r);
     1  2  3                3  1  2
x =                   y =
     4  5  6                5  6  4
// Create data matrix
x = { 1 2 3,
    4 5 6,
    7 8 9,
    10 11 12 };

// Rotation matrix
r = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

// Rotate matrix x
y = rotater(x, r);
     1  2  3                        1  2  3

     4  5  6                        6  4  5
x =                          y =
     7  8  9                        8  9  7

    10 11 12                       10 11 12


The rotation is performed horizontally within each row of the matrix. A positive rotation value will cause the elements to move to the right. A negative rotation value will cause the elements to move to the left. In either case, the elements that are pushed off the end of the row will wrap around to the opposite end of the same row.

If the rotation value is greater than or equal to the number of columns in x, then the rotation value will be calculated using (r % cols(x)).

See also

Functions shiftr()