

Opens the DOS compatibility window and gives it the specified title and attributes.


This function is no longer supported. This documentation is provided as a reference for understanding legacy code. In many cases, you may simply comment out calls to DOSWinOpen() and the program will run successfully in the Command window.


ret = DOSWinOpen(title, attr)#
  • title (string) – window title.

  • attr (5x1 vector or scalar missing) –

    window attributes.


    window x position


    window y position


    text foreground color


    text background color


    close action bit flags

    bit 0 (1’s bit)

    issue dialog

    bit 1 (2’s bit)

    close window

    bit 2 (4’s bit)

    stop program


ret (scalar) – success flag, 1 if successful, 0 if not.


attr = { 50, 50, 7, 0, 7 };

if not DOSWinOpen("Legacy Window", attr);
   errorlog "Failed to open DOS window, aborting";

This example opens the DOS window at screen location (50,50), with white text on a black background. The close action flags are 4 + 2 + 1 (stop program + close window + issue confirm dialog) = 7. Thus, if the user attempts to close the window while a program is running, he/she will be asked for confirmation. Upon confirmation, the window will be closed and the program terminated.


If title is a null string ("") the window will be titled "GAUSS-DOS".

Defaults are defined for the elements of attr. To use the default, set an element to a missing value. Set attr to a scalar missing to use all defaults. The defaults are defined as follows:



use x position of previous DOS window



use y position of previous DOS window



white foreground



black background



4+2: stop program and close window without confirming

If the DOS window is already open, the new title and attr will be applied to it. Elements of attr that are missing are not reset to the default values, but are left as is.

To set the close action flags value (attr[5]), just sum the desired bit values. For example:

stop program (4) + close window (2) + confirm close (1) = 7

The close action flags are only relevant when a user attempts to interactively close the DOS window while a program is running. If GAUSS is idle, the window will be closed immediately. Likewise, if a program calls DOSWinCloseall(), the window is closed, but the program does not get terminated.