

Gets a contiguous matrix from a 4-dimensional array.


y = getmatrix4D(a, i1, i2)#
  • a (4-dimensional array) – Data.

  • i1 (scalar) – index into the slowest moving dimension of the array.

  • i2 (scalar) – index into the second slowest moving dimension of the array.


y (KxL matrix) – where L is the size of the fastest moving dimension of the array and K is the size of the second fastest moving dimension.


// Create a column vector 1, 2, 3...120
a = seqa(1, 1, 120);

** Reshape the column vector into a 2x3x4x5 dimensional
** array
a = areshape(a, 2|3|4|5);

// Extract a submatrix
y = getmatrix4D(a, 2, 3);

After the code above:

    101   102   103   104   105
y = 106   107   108   109   110
    111   112   113   114   115
    116   117   118   119   120


getmatrix4D() returns the contiguous matrix that begins at the \([i1, i2, 1, 1]\) position in array a and ends at the \([i1, i2, K, L]\) position.

A call to getmatrix4D() is faster than using the more general getmatrix() function to get a matrix from a 4-dimensional array, especially when i1 and i2 are the counters from nested for loops.

See also

Functions getmatrix(), getscalar4D(), getarray()