

Computes quantiles from data in a dataset, given specified probabilities.


y = quantiled(dataset, e, var)#
  • dataset (string) – dataset name, or NxM matrix of data.

  • e (Lx1 vector) – quantile levels or probabilities.

  • var (Kx1 vector or scalar zero, string array, or formula string.) –

    If Kx1, character vector of labels selected for analysis, or numeric vector of column numbers in dataset of variables selected for analysis.

    If var is scalar zero, all columns are selected.

    If dataset is a matrix var cannot be a character vector.

    If dataset includes variable names, then var could be a string array, e.g. "Height" $| "Weight" or formula string. e.g. "Height + Weight".


y (LxK matrix) – quantiles.


Use dataset name#

// Create file name with full path
file_name = getGAUSSHome("examples/fueleconomy.dat");

// Set up quantile levels
e = { .025, .5, .975 };

// Choose all variables in the dataset
var = 0;

// Compute quantiles
y = quantiled(file_name, e, var);

 print "medians";
 print y[2, .];
 print "95 percentiles";
 print y[1, .];
 print y[3, .];


2.5000000        3.0000000

95 percentiles
1.5500000        1.4000000
4.0500000        6.2550000

Use .csv file and variable index#

// Create file name with full path
file_name = getGAUSSHome("examples/binary.csv");

// Set up quantile levels
e = { .025, .5, .975 };

// Set up variable index
var = 2|3;

// Compute quantiles
y = quantiled(file_name, e, var);

 print "medians";
 print y[2, .];
 print "95 percentiles";
 print y[1, .];
 print y[3, .];

After the above code:

580.00000        3.3900000

95 percentiles
360.00000        2.6300000
800.00000        4.0000000

Use .xls file and formula string#

// Create file name with full path
file_name = getGAUSSHome("examples/nba_ht_wt.xls");

// Set up quantile levels
e = { .025, .5, .975 };

// Set up formula string
var = "Height + Weight" ;

// Compute quantiles
y = quantiled(file_name, e, var);
 print  "Height"$~"Weight";
 print  "medians";
 print y[2, .];
 print  "95 percentiles";
 print y[1, .];
 print y[3, .];

After the above code:

220.00000        79.500000

95 percentiles
175.00000        72.000000
270.00000        84.000000


  • quantiled() will not succeed if N*minc(e) is less than 1, or N*maxc(e) is greater than \(N - 1\). In other words, to produce a quantile for a level of .001, the input matrix must have more than 1000 rows.

  • The supported dataset types are CSV, XLS, XLSX, HDF5, FMT, DAT.

  • For HDF5 file, the dataset must include file schema and both file name and dataset name must be provided, e.g.

    quantiled("h5://C:/gauss23/examples/testdata.h5/mydata", 0.5, 0).



See also

Formula string