
Arithmetic operators#






a + b Adds a and b.



a - b Subtracts b from a.


Matrix Multiplication

a * b Multiplies a and b.


ExE Multiplication

a .* b Multiplies elements of a and b.


Matrix Division

a / b Computes the least squares solution if b is not square.


ExE Division

a ./ b Divides each element of a by the corresponding element of b.


ExE Power

a .^ b Raises each element of a to the power of b.



a' Transposes matrix a, swapping its rows with columns.


Bookkeeping Transpose

a.' Transposes matrix a without conjugation, applicable to complex matrices.



a = b Assigns b to a.

Relational operators#





Element-by-Element Equality

a .== b Compares each element of a with b, resulting in a matrix of 1’s and 0’s.



a == b Returns a scalar 1 (true) if all elements of a and b are equal, otherwise 0 (false).



a != b Returns a scalar 1 (true) if a and b are not equal, otherwise 0 (false).


Element-by-Element Inequality

a .!= b Compares each element of a with b, resulting in a matrix of 1’s and 0’s.


Element-by-Element Greater or Equal

a .>= b Compares each element of a with b, resulting in a matrix of 1’s and 0’s.


Greater or Equal

a >= b Returns 1 (true) if all elements of a are greater than or equal to those of b, otherwise 0 (false).


Element-by-Element Less or Equal

a .<= b Compares each element of a with b, resulting in a matrix of 1’s and 0’s.


Less or Equal

a <= b Returns a scalar 1 (true) if all elements of a are less than or equal to those of b, otherwise 0 (false).