Graphs X vs. Y using Cartesian coordinates.
- plotXY([myPlot, ]x, y)#
- plotXY([myPlot, ]df, formula)
- Parameters:
myPlot (struct) – Optional argument, a
structure.x (Nx1 or NxM matrix) – Each column contains the X values for a particular line.
y (Nx1 or NxM matrix) – Each column contains the Y values for a particular line.
df (dataframe) – name of the dataframe in memory.
formula (string) –
formula string of the model to be plotted. E.g
"y ~ X1"
is the name of dependent variable to be plotted on the y-axisX1
is the names of the variable to be plotted on the x-axis;E.g
"y ~ X1 + by(X2)"
specifies that the data should be separated into different lines based on the groups defined byX2
Basic formula string#
// Create string with full path to file name
fname = getGAUSSHome("examples/clotting_time.dat");
// Load all variables from the dataset
clotting_time = loadd(fname);
// Draw plot using formula string to specify variables
plotXY(clotting_time, "lot1 ~ plasma");
Create previous plot with indexing and plot customization#
You can create the same plot from the example above without using a formula string as shown below.
// Create string with full path to file name
fname = getGAUSSHome("examples/clotting_time.dat");
// Load all variables from the dataset
clotting_time = loadd(fname);
struct plotControl plt;
plt = plotGetDefaults("xy");
// Set x and y label text
plotSetXLabel(&plt, "plasma", "arial", 12);
plotSetYLabel(&plt, "lot1");
// Draw plot using indexing to specify x and y variables
plotXY(plt, clotting_time[.,"plasma"], clotting_time[.,"lot1"]);
Formula string with multiple y variables#
Create previous plot with indexing and plot customization#
You can create the same plot from the example above without using a formula string as shown below.
// Create string with full path to file name
fname = getGAUSSHome("examples/clotting_time.dat");
// Load all variables from the dataset
clotting_time = loadd(fname);
struct plotControl plt;
plt = plotGetDefaults("xy");
// Set x label text and font
plotSetXLabel(&plt, "plasma", "arial", 12);
plotSetLegend(&plt, "lot1" $| "lot2");
// Draw plot using indexing to specify x and y variables
plotXY(plt, clotting_time[.,"plasma"], clotting_time[.,"lot1" "lot2"]);
By default missing values in y will be represented as gaps in the line.
See plotSetXTicInterval()
for an example of a time series plot using plotXY()
See also
Functions plotLogX()
, plotLogLog()
, plotScatter()