Computes the orthogonal-triangular (QR) decomposition of a matrix \(X\) and returns \(Q'Y\) and \(R\).
- { qty, r } = qtyr(y, X)#
- Parameters:
y (NxL matrix) – data
X (NxP matrix) – data
- Returns:
qty (NxL matrix) – unitary matrix
r (KxP matrix) – upper triangular matrix. \(K = min(N,P)\).
The QR algorithm is the numerically superior method for the solution of least squares problems:
loadm x, y;
{ qty, r } = qtyr(y, x);
q1ty = qty[1:rows(r), .];
q2ty = qty[rows(r)+1:rows(qty), .];
// LS coefficients
b = qrsol(q1ty, r);
// Residual sums of squares
s2 = sumc(q2ty^2);
Given \(X\), there is an orthogonal matrix \(Q\) such that \(Q'X\) is zero below its diagonal, i.e.,
where \(R\) is upper triangular. If we partition
where \(Q_1\) has \(P\) columns, then
is the QR decomposition of \(X\). If \(X\) has linearly independent columns, \(R\)
is also the Cholesky factorization of the moment matrix of \(X\), i.e., of
\(X'X\). For most problems \(Q\) or \(Q_1\) is not what is required. Rather, we
require \(Q'Y\) or \(Q_1'Y\) where \(Y\) is an NxL matrix (if either \(QY\) or \(Q_1Y\)
are required, see qyr()
). Since \(Q\) can be a very large matrix, qtyr()
been provided for the calculation of \(Q'Y\) which will be a much smaller
matrix. \(Q_1'Y\) will be a submatrix of \(Q'Y\). In particular,
and \(Q_2'Y\) is the remaining submatrix:
Suppose that \(X\) is an NxK dataset of independent variables, and \(Y\) is an Nx1 vector of dependent variables. Then it can be shown that
where b is a PxL matrix of least squares coefficients and s is a 1xL
vector of residual sums of squares. Rather than invert \(R\) directly,
however, it is better to apply qrsol()
For rank deficient least squares problems, see qtyre()
and qtyrep()