

Writes strings followed by a newline to a file.


numl = fputst(fh, sa)#
  • fh (scalar) – file handle of a file opened with fopen().

  • sa (string or string array) – data


numl (scalar) – the number of lines written to the file.


Write string to text file#

// Create string
quote = "A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!";

// Open file for writing
fh = fopen("king_richard_III.txt", "w");

// Write the string to the first line of the file
call fputst(fh, quote);

// Close the file
call close(fh);

After the code above, you should have a file named king_richard_III.txt in your current working directory, containing the contents of the quote string followed by an empty line. To avoid the final empty line, use fputs().

Example 2: Write CSV data to text file#

** Create string containing a comma separated list
** of variable names (fputst will add an ending newline)
text = "alpha,beta,gamma,delta";

fh = fopen("temp.csv", "w");

// Write the string to the first line of the file
call fputst(fh, text);

// Create some numeric data
x = { 1 2 3 4,
      5 6 7 8 };

// Convert numeric data to 2x4 string array
x_str = ntos(x);

** Combine each row of 'x_str' into
** a single comma separated string
x_str = strjoin(x_str, ",");

// Write the comma separated data to the file
call fputst(fh, x_str);

// Close the file
call close(fh);

After the above code, you should have a file named temp.csv with the following contents:


Note that saved() provides a simpler way to write CSV data.


  • To write to the standard output stream or the standard error stream, pass in __STDOUT or __STDERR as the file handle argument.

    str = "sample string";
    num = fputst(__STDOUT, str);
  • fputst() works identically to fputs(), except that a newline is appended to each string that is written to the file. If the file was opened in text mode (see fopen()), these newlines are also converted to carriage return-linefeed sequences on output.



Carriage return-linefeed conversion for files opened in text mode is unnecessary, because in Linux/macOS a newline is simply a linefeed.

See also

Functions fputs(), fopen()