

Moves across one dimension of an N-dimensional array and finds the smallest element.


y = amin(x, dim)#
  • x (array) – N-dimensional array

  • dim (scalar) – the dimension across which to find the minimum value.


y (N-dimensional array)


** Setting the rng seed allows for repeatable
** random numbers
rndseed 8237348;

** Create a 24x1 vector of random normal numbers
** with a standard deviation of 10 and then round
** to the nearest integer value
x = round(10*rndn(24, 1));

** Reshape the 24x1 vector into a 2x3x4 dimensional array
** NOTE: The pipe operator '|' is for vertical concatenation
x = areshape(x, 2|3|4);

dim = 2;
y = amin(x, dim);

x is a 2x3x4 array, such that: [1,1,1] through [1,3,4] =

 1.0000000      -11.000000       9.0000000      -8.0000000
-2.0000000      -10.000000      -6.0000000      -5.0000000
-5.0000000       17.000000       9.0000000      -2.0000000

[2,1,1] through [2,3,4] =

-4.0000000      -2.0000000       7.0000000      -2.0000000
 4.0000000       13.000000      -16.000000       11.000000
 2.0000000      -1.0000000       12.000000      -16.000000

y will be a 2x1x4 array, such that: [1,1,1] through [1,1,4] =

-5.0000000      -11.000000      -6.0000000      -8.0000000

[2,1,1] through [2,1,4] =

-4.0000000      -2.0000000      -16.000000      -16.000000
y = amin(x, 1);

Using the same array x as the above example, this example finds the minimum value across the first dimension. y will be a 2x3x1 array, such that: [1,1,1] through [1,3,1] =


[2,1,1] through [2,3,1] =



The output y, will have the same sizes of dimensions as x, except that the dimension indicated by dim will be collapsed to 1.

See also

Functions amax(), minc()