

Computes generalized eigenvalues, left eigenvectors, and right eigenvectors for a pair of real or complex general matrices.


{ va1, va2, lve, rve } = lapgeigv(A, B)#
  • A (NxN matrix) – real or complex general matrix.

  • B (NxN matrix) – real or complex general matrix.

  • va1 (Nx1 vector) – numerator of eigenvalues.

  • va2 (Nx1 vector) – denominator of eigenvalues.

  • lve (NxN left eigenvectors)

  • rve (NxN right eigenvectors)


va1 and va2 are the vectors of the numerators and denominators respectively of the eigenvalues of the solution of the generalized symmetric eigenproblem of the form \(Aw = \lambda Bw\) where A and B are real or complex general matrices and \(w = va1./va2\). The generalized eigenvalues are not computed directly because some elements of va2 may be zero, i.e., the eigenvalues may be infinite.

The left and right eigenvectors diagonalize \(U'^{-1}AU^{-1}\) where \(B = U'U\), that is,

\[\text{lve}*U'^{-1}AU^{-1}*\text{lve}' = w\]


\[\text{rve}'*U'^{-1}AU^{-1}*\text{rve} = w\]

This procedure calls the LAPACK routines DGGEV and ZGGEV.

See also

Functions lapgeig(), lapgeigh()