

Creates a new random number stream for a specified generator type from a seed value.


state = rndCreateState(brng, seed)#
  • brng (string) –

    generator name. Options include:


    L’Ecuyer’s MRG32K3A


    Mersenne-Twister 19937


    optimized Mersenne-Twister 19937


    Mersenne-Twister 2203


    Niederreiter quasi-random numbers


    Sobol quasi-random numbers



  • seed (scalar) –

    starting seed value. if -1, GAUSS computes the starting seed based on the system clock.


    For the quasi-random number generators, "sobol" and "niederreiter", this second input is the dimension rather than a starting seed. For "sobol", \(1 \leq dimension \leq 40\). For "niederreiter", \(1 \leq dimension \leq 318\). See examples below.


state (Opaque vector) – the newly created state.


Basic usage#

// Starting seed value
seed = 123456;

// Create state for generator 'mrg32k3a'
state = rndCreateState("mrg32k3a", seed);

// Create a 5x1 vector of random normal numbers with
// the state created above
{ r, newstate } = rndn(5, 1, state);

After the code above, r will equal:

r = 1.2128406

Creating a state from a numbered stream#

Most random number generators have one single stream in which you can think of the starting state as a bookmark. The "mt2203" and "wh" (or Wichmann-HIll) each have multiple separate streams. The example below shows how to uses these random number streams.

seed = 123456;

// Create a state from the 1028th substream of the
// Mersenne-Twister 2203 RNG
state_mt = rndCreateState("mt2203-1028", seed);

// Create a state from the 112th substream of the
// Wichmann-Hill RNG
state_wh = rndCreateState("wh-112", seed);

// Generate numbers using the states
{ r1, state_mt } = rndu(4, 1, state_mt);
{ r2, state_wh } = rndu(4, 1, state_wh);

After the code above, r1 and r2 should equal:

r1 =  0.14291687    r2 =  0.0073824407
      0.99670199            0.93756896
      0.59512065           0.071140446
   1.5776604e-06           0.021328991

Initializing the Sobol quasi-random number generator#

// Initialize random seed with a dimension of 2
state = rndCreateState("sobol", 2);

// Create some random numbers using this state
{ r, state } = rndu(10, 2, state);

After the code above, r, should be equal to:

r = 0.5000    0.5000
    0.7500    0.2500
    0.2500    0.7500
    0.3750    0.3750
    0.8750    0.8750
    0.6250    0.1250
    0.1250    0.6250
    0.1875    0.3125
    0.6875    0.8125
    0.9375    0.0625


The states returned from this function may NOT be used with rndMTu() or any of the rndKM() or rndLC() functions.

See also

Functions rndStateSkip(), rndn(), rndu(), rndBeta()