

Reads and writes Excel files.


ret = spreadSheetWrite(data, file[, range[, sheet]])#
  • data (matrix or string or string array) – data to write.

  • file (string) – name of .xls, or .xlsx file.

  • range (string) – range to read or write; e.g., "A1:B20". Default = "A1".

  • sheet (scalar) – sheet number. Default = 1.


ret (success code) – 0 if successful, else error code.


Basic Example#

x = { 0 1,
      1 2,
      3 5 };

// Write contents of 'x' to 'myfile.xlsx'
// from cell 'A1' to 'B3'
ret = spreadSheetWrite(x, "myfile.xlsx");

Write To a Range#

// Create a 1x4 string array of variable names
head = "Real GDP" $~  "Unemployment" $~ "CPI" $~ "PPI";

// Write the variable names to the cells 'C1:F1'
ret = spreadSheetWrite(head, "myfile.xlsx", "C1");

Specify Path and Sheet Number#

// Create a 10x3 matrix of Bernoulli random variables
x = rndBernoulli(10, 3, 0.6);

// Write the data from 'x' to cells 'B4:D13' on sheet 2 of 'myfile.xlsx'
ret = spreadSheetWrite(x, "C:\\mydata\\myfile.xlsx", "B4", 2);


Windows, Linux and macOS


If spreadSheetWrite() fails, it will either terminate and print an error message or return a scalar error code, which can be detected with scalmiss(), depending on the state of the trap flag.

trap 0

print error message and terminate program

trap 1

return scalar error code

// If this fails, it will end the program and print an error message
x = spreadSheetWrite("myfile.xlsx");
// Turn error trapping on
trap 1;
x = spreadSheetWrite("myfile.xlsx");

// Check to see if 'x' is a scalar error code
if scalmiss(x);
   // Code to handle error case here

// Turn error trapping off