

Loads data from a delimited ASCII text file into an Nx1 vector. NOTE: This function is deprecated. Use csvReadM() instead.


y = asciiload(filename)#

filename (string) – name of data file.


y (Nx1 vector)


To load the file myfile.asc, containing the following data:

 2.805  16.568
-4.871   3.399
17.361 -12.725

you may use any of the following commands:

** This statement assumes 'myfile.asc' is in the current
** working directory
y = asciiload("myfile.asc");
** This code assumes that 'myfile.asc' is
** located in the C:\gauss23 directory
** Note the double backslashes for path separators
fpath = "C:/gauss23/myfile.asc";
y = asciiload(fpath);
path = "C:/gauss/";
fname = "myfile.asc";

** The '$+' operator adds two strings together into one
** string
y = asciiload(path $+ fname);

All of the above commands will set y to be equal to:




This function is deprecated. Use csvReadM() instead.

The file extension must be included in the file name.

Numbers in ASCII files must be delimited with spaces, commas, tabs, or newlines.

This command loads as many elements as possible from the file into an Nx1 vector. This allows you to verify if the load was successful by calling rows(y) after asciiload() to see how many elements were actually loaded. You may then reshape the Nx1 vector to the desired form. You could, for instance, put the number of rows and columns of the matrix right in the file as the first and second elements and reshape the remainder of the vector to the desired form using those values.

See also

Functions csvReadM(), Format, dataload()