

Computes a real 1- or 2-D FFT. Returns the results in a packed format.


y = rfftp(x)#

x (NxK real matrix or K-length real vector) – data


y (Lx(M/2+1) matrix or (M/2+1)-length vector) – where \(L\) and \(M\) are the smallest powers of 2 greater than or equal to \(N\) and \(K\), respectively.


If a dimension of x is not a power of 2, it will be padded with zeros to the next allowable size before the FFT is computed.

For 1-D FFT’s, rfftp() returns the positive frequencies in ascending order in the first \(\frac{M}{2}\) elements, and the Nyquist frequency in the last element. For 2-D FFT’s, rfftp() returns the positive and negative frequencies for the row dimension, and for the column dimension, it returns the positive frequencies in ascending order in the first \(\frac{M}{2}\) columns, and the Nyquist frequencies in the last column. Usually the FFT of a real function is calculated to find the power density spectrum or to perform filtering on the waveform. In both these cases only the positive frequencies are required. (See also rfft() and rfftn() for routines that return the negative frequencies as well.)

rfftp() scales the computed FFT by \(\frac{1}{L*M}\).

rfftp() uses the Temperton FFT algorithm.