recode (dataloop)#


Changes the value of a variable with different values based on a set of logical expressions.


recode var with
//   or
recode # var with
//   or
recode $ var with

val1 for expression_1,
val2 for expression_2,
valn for expression_n;



(literal) the new variable name.


(scalar) value to be used if corresponding expression is TRUE.


(scalar) logical scalar-returning expression that returns nonzero TRUE or zero FALSE


recode age with
      1 for age < 21,
      2 for age >= 21 and age < 35,
      3 for age >= 35 and age < 50,
      4 for age >= 50 and age < 65,
      5 for age >= 65;
recode $ sex with
      "MALE" for sex == 1,
      "FEMALE" for sex == 0;
recode # sex with
      1 for sex $== "MALE",
      0 for sex $== "FEMALE";


If $ is specified, the variable will be considered a character variable. If # is specified, the variable will be considered numeric. If neither is specified, the type of the variable will be left unchanged.

The logical expressions must be mutually exclusive, that is only one may return TRUE for a given row (observation).

If none of the expressions is TRUE for a given row (observation), its value will remain unchanged.

Any variables referenced must already exist, either as elements of the source dataset, as extern’s, or as the result of a previous Format, vector, or code statement.

See also

Functions code