

Adds an area plot between sets of 2-D vectors to an existing 2-D plot.


plotAddXYFill([myPlot, ]x, y_bottom, y_top)#
  • myPlot (struct) – Optional argument, a plotControl structure

  • x (Nx1 matrix) – The X values for a particular line.

  • y_bottom (Nx1 or NxM matrix) – Each column contains the Y values for the bottom of a filled area. If y_bottom contains more than one column, each column will be the bottom for a different area.

  • y_top (Nx1 or NxM matrix) – Each column contains the Y values for the top of a filled area. If y_top contains more than one column, each column will be the top for a different area.


One set of vectors#


// Create data
x = seqa(0, 0.1, 30);
y = cos(x);

// Create basic line plot
plotXY(x, y);

** Styling for XY filled area plot

// Declare plotControl structure
// and fill with default values
struct plotControl myPlot;
myPlot = plotGetDefaults("area");

// Set fill to be:
// 1 - solid
// 0.3 - 30% opacity
// gray - gray fill color
plotSetFill(&myplot, 1, 0.3, "gray");

// Add filled area plot to previous line drawing
plotAddXYFill(myPlot, x, y - 1, y + 1);

See also

Functions plotArea(), plotSetFill(), plotXY()