

Reads part of a variable from a GAUSS Data Archive.


y = gdaReadSome(filename, varname, index, orders)#
  • filename (string) – name of data file.

  • varname (string) – name of variable in the GDA.

  • index (scalar or Nx1 vector) – index into variable where read is to begin.

  • orders (scalar or Kx1 vector) – orders of object to output.


y (matrix) – array, string or string array, variable data.


// Create random matrix x
x = rndn(100, 50);

// Create GDA named `myfile`
retcode1 = gdaCreate("myfile.gda", 1);

// Write x to `myfile` with name x1
retcode2 = gdaWrite("myfile.gda", x, "x1");

// Index into variable where read is to begin
index = { 35, 20 };

// Orders of object to output
orders = { 25, 5 };

// Read part of x1 from myfile
y = gdaReadSome("myfile.gda", "x1", index, orders);

This example reads \(25 * 5 = 125\) elements from x1, beginning with the \([35, 20]\) element. The 125 elements are returned as a 25x5 matrix, y.


This command reads part of the variable varname in filename, beginning at the position indicated by index. The orders argument determines the size and shape of the object outputted by gdaReadSome(). The number of elements read equals the product of all of the elements in orders.

If index is a scalar, it will be interpreted as the indexth element of the variable. Thus if varname references a 10x5 matrix, an index of 42 would indicate the 42nd element, which is equivalent to the \([8, 2]\) element of the matrix (remember that GAUSS matrices are stored in row major order). If index is an Nx1 vector, then N must equal the number of dimensions in the variable referenced by varname.

If orders is a Kx1 vector, then y will be a K-dimensional object. If orders is a scalar r, then y will be an rx1 column vector. To specify a 1xr row vector, set output = { 1, r }.

If the variable referenced by varname is numeric (a matrix or array) and orders is a scalar or 2x1 vector, then y will of type matrix. If the variable is numeric and orders is an Nx1 vector where \(N > 2\), then y will be of type array.

If varname references a string, then both index and orders must be scalars, and index must contain an index into the string in characters.

If gdaReadSome() fails, it will return a scalar error code. Call scalerr() to get the value of the error code. The error code may be any of the following:


Null file name.


File open error.


File read error.


Invalid file type.


Variable not found.


File contains no variables.


File too large to be read on current platform.


Argument out of range.


Argument wrong size.

See also

Functions gdaWriteSome(), gdaRead()