

Merges two sorted files by a common variable.


mergeby(infile1, infile2, outfile, keytyp)#
  • infile1 (string) – name of input file 1.

  • infile2 (string) – name of input file 2.

  • outfile (string) – name of output file.

  • keytyp (scalar) –

    data type of key variable.






Create datasets for merging#

// Varnames
varnames1 = "id"$|"x"$|"y";
varnames2 = "id"$|"x"$|"y"$|"z";

// Create first data file
id1 = seqa(1, 1, 100);
x1 = rndn(100, 1);
y1 = rndn(100, 1);
saved(id1~x1~y1, "mydata_1.dat", varnames1);

// Create second data file
id2 = seqa(1, 1, 92);
x2 = rndn(92, 1);
y2 = rndn(92, 1);
z2 = rndn(92, 1)
saved(id2~x2~y2, "mydata_2.dat", varnames2);

// Define infiles
infile1 = "mydata_1.dat";
infile2 = "mydata_2.dat";

Merge datasets using id#

// Outfile
outfile = "mymerged.dat"

// Define key variable for merging
keytyp = 1;

// Merge dataset
mergeby(infile1, infile2, outfile, keytyp);

// Load merged dataset
data = loadd("mymerged.dat");


This will combine the variables in the two files to create a single large file. The following assumptions hold:

  1. Both files have a single (key) variable in common and it is the first variable.

  2. All of the values of the key variable are unique.

  3. Each file is already sorted on the key variable.

The output file will contain the key variable in its first column.

It is not necessary for the two files to have the same number of rows. For each row for which the key variables match, a row will be created in the output file. outfile will contain the columns from infile1 followed by the columns from infile2 minus the key column from the second file.

If the inputs are null (”” or 0), the procedure will ask for them.

