Controls the number of major ticks on the x-axis of a 2-D plot.
- plotSetXTicCount(&myPlot, num_tics)#
- Parameters:
&myPlot (struct pointer) – A
structure pointer.num_tics (Scalar) – the number of major ticks to place on the x-axis.
// Create some data to plot
x = seqa(-3, 0.1, 61);
y = x.^3 + rndn(rows(x), 1);
// Plot the data
plotXY(x, y);

5 tick marks#
will produce a graph that looks similar to the one above, with 5 major tick marks on the x-axis. If we use 8 tick marks, there will be one major tick for every integer on the x-axis. We can make that change like this:
// Declare and initialize plotControl structure
struct plotControl myPlot;
myPlot = plotGetDefaults("xy");
// Set the x-axis to have 8 tick marks
plotSetXTicCount(&myPlot, 8);
// Plot the data, using the plotControl structure
plotXY(myPlot, x, y);

Note that plotSetXTicInterval()
does not provide complete control over the
x-axis ticks. If the number of x-ticks requested would cause an odd x-tick
interval, GAUSS will create a number of ticks that will provide more even
spacing. For instance, in the example above, 8 ticks gave a space between
ticks of 1. If we chose 9 ticks, the spacing between ticks would be 0.889.
In that case, GAUSS would instead draw 8 ticks for a more even
For more control over the x-axis of time series plots, use
This function sets an attribute in a plotControl
structure. It does not
affect an existing graph, or a new graph drawn using the default
settings that are accessible from the
The axis updated by this function is determined by the value previously specified by plotSetActiveX()
. The accepted values are "bottom"
(default), "top"
, and "both"
Future calls to plotSetActiveX()
will not retroactively change the values of a previously modified axis.
See also
Functions plotSetXTicInterval()
, plotSetXLabel()