Provides size description of a panel dataset including the number of groups, number of time observations for each group.
- { num_grps, T, balanced } = pdSize(df, groupvar)#
- Parameters:
df ((N_i*T_i)xK dataframe) – Dataframe containing panel data with (N_i * T_i) rows (observations) and K columns (variables).
groupvar (String) – A column vector indicating group membership for panel observations.
- Returns:
num_grps (Scalar) – Number of groups in the panel.
T (Vector) – Containing number of time observations for each group.
balanced – Indicator if panel is balanced, report 1 for balanced data, 0 othewise.
- Rtype:
** Example for summarizing panel data
// Import data
fname = getGAUSSHome("examples/nlswork.dta");
nlswork = loadd(fname);
// Check size of panel
{ num_grps, T, _isbalanced } = pdSize(nlswork, "idcode");
The code above prints the following to screen:
Group ID: idcode Balanced: No
Valid cases: 13452 Missings: 15082
N. Groups: 4711 T. Average: 6.057
See also:
See also