Computes the cumulative distribution function of the noncentral F distribution.
- p = cdfFnc(x, df_n, df_d, nonc)#
- Parameters:
x (NxK matrix) – Values at which to evaluate the cdf of the noncentral F distribution.
.df_n (LxM matrix) – ExE conformable with x. Degrees of freedom of numerator,
.df_d (PxQ matrix) – ExE conformable with x and df_n. Degrees of freedom of denominator,
.nonc (RxS matrix) – ExE conformable with x. The noncentrality parameter. This is the square root of the noncentrality parameter that sometimes goes under the symbol
. .
- Returns:
p (max(N,L,P,R) by max(K,M,Q,S) matrix) – Each element in p is the noncentral F distribution cdf value evaluated at the corresponding element in x.
** Computing the parameters
// Number of observations
n_obs = 100;
// Number of variables
n_vars = 5;
// Degrees of freedom
df_n = n_vars;
df_d = n_obs - n_vars - 1;
// Value to calculate p_value at
f_stat = 2.4;
// Non-centrality parameter
nonc = 2;
// Call cdfFnc
p = cdfFnc(f_stat, df_n, df_d, nonc);
print p;
will return:
For invalid inputs, cdfFnc()
will return a scalar error code which, when
its value is assessed by function scalerr()
, corresponds to the invalid
input. If the first input is out of range, scalerr()
will return a 1; if
the second is out of range, scalerr()
will return a 2; etc.
See also