

Writes a GAUSS matrix, string, or string array to an Excel® spreadsheet.


ret = xlsWrite(data, file[, range[, sheet[, vls]]]])#
  • data (matrix, string, or string array.) – data to write.

  • file (string) – name of .xls or .xlsx file.

  • range (string) – Optional input, the starting point of the write, e.g. “A2”. Default = “A1”.

  • sheet (scalar) – Optional input, sheet number. Default = 1.

  • vls (null string or 9x1 matrix or string array) – Optional input, specifies the conversion of GAUSS values or characters into Excel® empty cells and special types (see Remarks). A null string results in all GAUSS missing values and null strings being converted to empty cells. Default = null string.


ret (scalar) – 0 if success or a scalar error code.


Windows, Linux and macOS.

The vls input is currently ignored on macOS and Linux.


Basic Example#

x = { 0 1,
      1 2,
      3 5 };

// Write contents of 'x' to 'myfile.xlsx'
// from cell 'A1' to 'B3'
ret = xlsWrite(x, "myfile.xlsx");

myfile.xlsx will be saved in your current working directory. You can find your current working directory in the main tool bar (in the top of GAUSS), or with the getGAUSSHome() command.

Write To a Range#

// Create a 1x4 string array of variable names
head = "Real GDP" $~  "Unemployment" $~ "CPI" $~ "PPI";

// Write the variable names to the cells 'C1:F1'
ret = xlsWrite(head, "myfile.xlsx", "C1");

Specify Path and Sheet Number#

// Create a 10x3 matrix of Bernoulli random variables
x = rndBernoulli(10, 3, 0.6);

// Write the data from 'x' to cells 'B4:D13' on sheet 2 of 'myfile.xlsx'
ret = xlsWrite(x, "C:\\mydata\\myfile.xlsx", "B4", 2);


  1. To write a dataset with numeric variables and header names to an Excel file, use saved().

  2. If xlsWrite() fails, it will either terminate and print an error message or return a scalar error code, which can be detected with scalmiss(), depending on the state of the trap flag.

    trap 0

    Print error message and terminate program.

    trap 1

    Return scalar error code.

    1.1 An error message example

    // If this fails, it will end the program and print an error message
    x = xlsWrite("myfile.xlsx");

    1.2 Turn off error message

    // Turn error trapping on
    trap 1;
    x = xlsWrite("myfile.xlsx");
    // Check to see if 'x' is a scalar error code
    if scalmiss(x);
       // Code to handle error case here
    // Turn error trapping off
    trap 0;
  3. The vls argument lets users control the export to Excel® empty cells and special types, according to the following table:

    Row Number

    Excel® Cell


    empty cell

















    Use the following to convert all occurrences of 9999.99 to #DIV/0! in Excel® and convert all GAUSS missing values to empty cells in Excel®:

    vls = reshape(error(0),9,1);
    vls[4] = 9999.99;