

Converts a matrix of ASCII values into a string containing the appropriate characters.


s = chrs(x)#

x (NxK matrix) – matrix of ASCII values to be converted.


s (string) – This 1x1 string will contain NxK characters whose ASCII values are equal to the values in the elements of x.


Basic example#

// 42 is the ascii value for an asterisk '*'
print chrs(42);

The code above returns:


Multicharacter example#

// ASCII character codes:
// 72 -> H, 105 -> i, 33 -> !
acc = { 72 105 33 };

// Convert the character codes in 'acc'
// into a string of characters
s = chrs(acc);

After the code above, s will equal:


Interactive example#

chrs() can be used to create an interactive program in which the user is prompted for keyboard input which the code uses to make decisions.

// Print a string to prompt the user for input
print "Choose a parameter: Enter [a,b,c]";

** Wait for the user to enter a keystroke and assign the
** ASCII value of that key to 'param'
param = keyw;

// Convert the ASCII value to a string
paramString = chrs(param);

if paramString == "a";
   print "You have chosen:" "a";
   // execute code for this choice
elseif paramString == "b";
   print "You have chosen:" "b";
   // execute code for this choice
elseif paramString == "c";
   print "You have chosen:" "c";
   // execute code for this choice


This function is useful for embedding control codes in strings and for creating variable length strings when formatting printouts, reports, etc.

See also

Functions vals(), ftos(), stof()