

Converts a matrix to a string array using a C language format specification.


sa = ftostrC(x, fmt)#
  • x (NxK matrix) – real or complex.

  • fmt (Kx1 or 1xK or 1x1 string array) – format information.


sa (NxK string array) – contains the contents of x converted into a string array.


Example 1#

grade = 0.937;
print ftostrC(100 * grade, "Your course grade is: %f");
print ftostrC(100 * grade, "Your course grade is: %.1f");
print ftostrC(100 * grade, "Your course grade is: %9.3f");

will return:

Your course grade is: 93.700000
Your course grade is: 93.7
Your course grade is:    93.700

Example 2:#

declare string fmtr = { "%6.3lf",
                        "%11.8lf" };

declare string fmtc = { "(%6.3lf, %6.3lf)",
                        "(%11.8lf, %11.8lf)" };

xr = rndn(4, 2);
xc = sqrt(xr')';

sar = ftostrC(xr, fmtr);
sac = ftostrC(xc, fmtc);

print sar;
print sac;


-0.166 1.05565441
-1.590 -0.79283296
 0.130 -1.84886957
 0.789 0.86089687

( 0.000, -0.407) ( 1.02745044, 0.00000000)
( 0.000, -1.261) ( 0.00000000, -0.89041168)
( 0.361, 0.000) ( 0.00000000, -1.35973143)
( 0.888, 0.000) ( 0.92784529, 0.00000000)


If fmt has K elements, each column of sa can be formatted separately. If x is complex, there must be two format specifications in each element of fmt.

See also

Functions strtof(), strtofcplx()