

Controls the size of the canvas on which the next plot is drawn.


plotCanvasSize(units, size[, dpi])
  • units (string) –

    the units of measurement for size, width and height.

    Valid options include:









    If the string “fill” is the only input, the graph canvas will stretch to fit the available area.

  • size (2x1 matrix) – the width and height to set the graph canvas in terms of the specified units.

  • dpi (scalar) – the number of dots per inch. This option applies only to physical measurements, such as centimeters and inches. It will be ignored if units is set to "pixels".


// Get file name with full path
dataset = getGAUSSHome("examples/beef_prices.csv");

// Load variable 'beef_price' from dataset
// and perform ln transform on variable
ln_price = loadd(dataset, "ln(beef_price)");

// Set plot canvas to be 640 by 480 pixels
plotCanvasSize("px", 640 | 480);

// Create x and draw graph in the 640 px by 480 px plot canvas
x = seqa(1, 1, rows(ln_price));
plotXY(x, ln_price);


If the only input to plotCanvasSize() is the string "fill", then the graph canvas will be expanded to fill the available area.

plotSetCanvas() controls the size of the entire graph canvas, not just a set of axes. Therefore when used with plotLayout() to create subplots, plotSetCanvas() will control the size of the bounding box allowed for all of the subplots together.

After a call to plotSetCanvas(), all subsequent graphs will be drawn in a canvas of the size specified even if a new plot tab is created with plotOpenWindow().

See also

Functions plotOpenWindow(), plotSave()