

Inserts code from another file into a GAUSS program.


#include filename
#include "filename"


#include  "/gauss/inc/cond.inc"

The command will cause the code in the program cond.inc to be merged into the current program at the point at which this statement appears.


filename can be any legitimate file name.

This command makes it possible to write a section of general-purpose code, and insert it into other programs.

The code from the #include’d file is inserted literally as if it were merged into that place in the program with a text editor.

If a path is specified for the file, then no additional searching will be attempted if the file is not found.

If a path is not specified, the current directory will be searched first, then each directory listed in src_path. src_path is defined in gauss.cfg.


No additional search will be made if the file is not found.


The directories listed in src_path will be searched for myprog.prc if the file is not found in the current directory.

Compile time errors will return the line number and the name of the file in which they occur. For execution time errors, if a program is compiled with #lineson, the line number and name of the file where the error occurred will be printed. For files that have been #include’d this reflects the actual line number within the #include’d file. See #lineson for a more complete discussion of the use of and the validity of line numbers when debugging.

See also

Functions run, lineson()