

Transposes an N-dimensional array.


y = atranspose(x, nd)#
  • x (N-dimensional array)

  • nd (Nx1 vector) – the new order of dimensions.


y (N-dimensional array) – transposed according to nd.


// Create a vector of consecutive integers
x = seqa(1, 1, 24);

// Reshape the vector into a 2x3x4 dimensional array
x = areshape(x, 2|3|4);

nd = { 2, 1, 3 };
y = atranspose(x, nd);

This example transposes the dimensions of x that correspond to the first and second elements of the vector of orders. x is a 2x3x4 array, such that:

Plane [1,.,.]

   1.000    2.000    3.000    4.000
   5.000    6.000    7.000    8.000
   9.000   10.000   11.000   12.000

Plane [2,.,.]

  13.000   14.000   15.000   16.000
  17.000   18.000   19.000   20.000
  21.000   22.000   23.000   24.000

y is a 3x2x4 array, such that:

Plane [1,.,.]

   1.000    2.000    3.000    4.000
  13.000   14.000   15.000   16.000

Plane [2,.,.]

   5.000    6.000    7.000    8.000
  17.000   18.000   19.000   20.000

Plane [3,.,.]

   9.000   10.000   11.000   12.000
  21.000   22.000   23.000   24.000
nd = { 2, 3, 1 };
y = atranspose(x, nd);

Using the same array x as the example above, this example transposes all three dimensions of x, returning a 3x4x2 array y, such that:

Plane [1,.,.]

   1.000   13.000
   2.000   14.000
   3.000   15.000
   4.000   16.000

Plane [2,.,.]

   5.000   17.000
   6.000   18.000
   7.000   19.000
   8.000   20.000

Plane [3,.,.]

   9.000   21.000
  10.000   22.000
  11.000   23.000
  12.000   24.000


The vector of dimension indices must be a unique vector of integers, between 1 and N, where 1 corresponds to the first element of the vector of orders.

See also

Functions areshape(), squeeze()